Blanca Padilla, volverá a desfilar para Victoria's Secret

Canarias Noticias - 25/08/2017

Blanca Padilla vivió a los 19 años su primera experiencia como "ángel" de Victoria's Secret y después de alguna que otra polémica, volverá a desfilar para la firma de lencería más prestigiosa del mundo en su próxima cita en Shanghái.

It takes a while to understand what a great key failure is. And once you get that, everything becomes more beautiful in any area of your life. I have a LONG way of learning! But I just wanted this process to be part of who I really am, so I set that goal. I worked not only my body but my mind to live the previous days and the casting day itself with a different perspective. Had up and downs on nerve wrecking (of course), but I allowed myself to feel the real excitement it brings and a lot less insecurities. It wasn't that easy cause I'm emotional and when you walk in there your whole perfect plan kind of falls apart! I remember my legs shaking while walking in my first VS casting. But I wanted to leave that room knowing that I gave all I could and I would be able to find peace within any answer. And I left it with tears in my eyes but of joy! What a great experience. I wanted this YES, but I worked for it and I am proud of myself, for getting it AND for how I went through it. Why are we so scared to be proud of ourselves? CELEBRATE YOURSELF. Celebrate your progress. All I want to say with this is try to turn your failures around because they're only teaching us, work on your self love and DO NOT GIVE UP. Nowadays we managed to made it a hard job to LOVE ourselves but don't stop working on it. Authenticity is something that will never stop shining. And whoever this reaches, here's a message for you that I truly believe: you're incredibly valuable, you have so much to give to yourself and others. Every single one of us. Do not give up. Realize your power. I take this with me forever so Thank You @victoriassecret @10magazine @ed_razek @monica.mitro @johndavidpfeifferfor the opportunity to go through it again and for the 2 past ones, and being able to learn along the way, and THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the incredible experience that is coming our way! I CAN OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE THAT I AM WALKING THE VICTORIA'S SECRET FASHION SHOW AGAIN. DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPRESS HOW GRATEFUL I AM.also big thank you to everyone involved in my progress and life.. you know who you are, I feel incredibly lucky. Gracias ESPAÑA

Una publicación compartida de Blanca Padilla (@blaancapadilla) el

En 2014 deslumbró sobre la pasarela por su elegancia y sensualidad y ahora podrá demostrar la experiencia que ha ganado con el paso del tiempo en el mundo de la moda.

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